November 2023 Meeting
BELUG: Supporting Linux and open source for 19+ years.
The next BELUG meeting is Tuesday at 6:30pm, December 12th, at the North Bellevue Community Center. The address is:
North Bellevue Community Center
4063 148th Ave NE
Bellevue, WA. 98007
Please come early to help set up the room.
The meeting will follow our normal format with introductions all around, collecting technical questions to answer later, then any presentations, and finishing with our best answers to the technical questions.
Last month we discussed these and other topics:
One user had installed Ubuntu on a Google Pixel 3xl cellphone and was testing out out. YouTube video.
We discussed a process monitor script, like top, called glances. Very nice.
A few people had Framework laptops and they were happy with these hardware upgradeable and linux supported laptops.
A few of us had a chance to see some of the SeaGL conference presentations. I saw mine on YouTube.
One of you users recommended this Firefox extension called one-tab for those of us with too many open tabs.
We discussed DNS servers BIND and CoreDNS.
I hope to see you at this Tuesday meeting.