April 2022 Meeting
We had new people at the last few meetings. Welcome to all of them.
Here are some of the topics we discussed in our April 2022 meeting:
LinuxFest NorthWest 2022 is over. Here is a link to the main page and a link to the YouTube video page.
We always discuss the Raspberry pi and we discussed the hardware shortages. You can still get the Raspberry pi 4/400 computer in a keyboard.
We had an interesting discussion on inputting Unicode characters in a terminal window; shift+control+u followed by the number of the Unicode character you want.
We continued to discuss Linux on Mac hardware. One user has had trouble with the touchpad and sound. Any suggestions?
We mentioned a tool to help you run windows programs on Linux; PlayOnLinux
On the education side Steve recommended one of his favorite books, The Unix System by Stephen Bourne, who wrote the original shell, sh
. His name is part of the "Bourne again shell", bash
. Bash is the default shell on many distributions. His book is hard to find.