October 2021 Meeting

No presentation this month. We will have our round table discussion and discuss recent Linux news.

Here are notes from our October meeting:

Randy gave a very nice overview of the major linux networking commandline tools. They included ifconfig, ip, tracepath, ping, netstat, ss, dig, nslookup, route, host, arp, iwconfig, hostname, curl, wget, mtr, whois, iftop, tcpdump and nethogs. Here is an article covering these and many more:


Randy turned his cellphone into a video camera for Zoom using DroidCam:


An ongoing topic is having a local file storage system on your private home network. Our Zoom host, Kevin, is the head of North American Operation for Univention, which offers an open source system that includes file sharing and much more:


We also discussed our involvement with KEGS. It should be beneficial for both KEGS and our Bellevue Linux Group.
